
The house that time forgot

Last night, I was in the stuffiest house ever. According to Ginger, it belonged to her grandfather's stepmother and hasn't actually been lived in for about 40 years. None of the windows would open and the stale air was mighty oppressive. It's a cool little old-school city house, but I can't believe she survived several hours in there. A trouper, that one. Great thanks to all ye hearties who ventured out to the Hala and gave her proper tribute.

Yeah, everyone knows that the mass media's priorities are screwed. But enough with that greasy Tom Cruise and that fucked-up Supreme Court. Why isn't CNN bombarding us with more information about the zombie dogs? It seems Herbert West was on to something after all. You'd think his alma mater would be raising a stink.

My buddy Jack keeps buying those multi-DVD packs of cheap-ass horror movies put out by Brentwood Entertainment. I saw two of them today, neither of which passed the 90 minute mark, and unfortunately they both sucked. The second one, a witch-themed "Pumpkinhead" knockoff called "Dead & Rotting", was a slight step up from "The Bonesetter", a Canadian job which concerns a boring Satanist who dresses like Zé do Caixão with store-bought Halloween make-up. The former features Troma regulars Trent Haaga and Debi Rochon, while the latter has a cameo by Troma founder Lloyd Kaufman and a remarkably attractive, remarkably awful lead actress named Sherry Thurig, who, as the internet informs potential stalkers like myself, also holds a degree in biochemistry from Ontario's Algonquin College. Sherry is the kind of classy woman who can make one of these things slightly more bearable, but even her clumsiest line delivery couldn't really help here. I suppose ultimately "D&R" was better because it didn't inspire a sequel like "Bonesetter" did.

Requisite media links: A new Arch Enemy song ("Nemesis") and the trailer for Peter Jackson's King Kong remake (thank you, Kyle). Both are very nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out KongIsKing.net for a wealth of video production diaries from the set of King Kong. I think Peter Jackson got his stomach stapled.

10:23 PM, July 04, 2005  

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